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 Legal  Mike Gilroy


 Linda Bange


 Janet Fantano


 Jim Vaughn


 Linda Bange

 Marketing  BOS


 Past Commodore

Vice Commodore

 Ships Store

Julie Traylor


 Norm Shotz

Rear Commodore

 Food & Beverage

 Barbara Ermy

 Grounds / Design

 Sonny Compher


 Sonny Compher

 Flying Scots

 Jim Vaughn

 Power Boats

 Mike Gilroy

 Large Sailboats

Mainsheet: Julie Traylor

Facebook & Instagram: Ingrid Peterson

Web Master: Nick Fantano

The Yacht Club of Hilton Head Island  is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. 

Location:  99 Helmsman Way, Hilton Head, SC 29928

Mailing Address:  Post Office Box 5063, Hilton Head Island, SC 29938

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